1260C Ceramic Fiber Board

  • Temperatur: 1260C (2300F)
  • Chemistry: Alumina-silica
  • Density: 220-600 Kg/m3
  • Standard Sizes:
  • 900*600*25mm/50mm
  • 1000*500*25mm/50mm
  • 1200*1000*25mm/50mm
  • Contact us for more available sizes (6-60mm)
  • Datasheet Download


Titan ceramic fiber board is high-temperature insulating boards vacuum formed using bulk fiber, organic and inorganic binders. This product will be used in rapid heating rapid cooling condition by “suppressing against intensity changes in high-temperature”, “lightweight” and “excellent heat impulsivity”. Also it has high mechanical strength as compared with other insulation materials. It can be used for hot face expose lining and backup lining for various furnaces.